Zaraće, island of Hvar

In a broader sense, which has been lost through forgetfulness, it became narrower and smaller, it has its old part 200 meters above sea level in the hills, called “Zaraće”. However, if we hear the expression “Zaraće” as a sentence: “Dawn will…”, we must climb up to the old part to understand that from there it is not the east shining brightly, but rather it is in the shadow of the east, and it is in the eastern shadow, while the surroundings and the sea are already lit.
It is necessary to stay overnight in the old part of Zaraće and again feel Zoraće, but as we move towards the summer Solstice, the east becomes more southern. There lives, alongside the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one more resident among up to eight inhabitants, a small, undecided number… yet in summer, there are hundreds of residents from nearby apartments, even those right by the beaches of Veliko and Malo Zaraće, facing both east and west.